Our methods for
learning language through play
Language is learned when you move and live in the
other language …
Our Goal -
multilingual for the future
With foreign language your child’s chances and prospects for the future expand…
Carefully chosen -
our teachers
The teachers at our school are native speakers or grew up bilingual ...
Schoolboy, 12 years old
”I actually didn't have any desire to learn English in the holidays, I would have rather gone to tennis camp. But my parents wouldn't let me, and the camp ended up being really great. The best part is: in English class, my grade has gotten one grade better.“

Daycamps in Hamburg - Active holidays
Lerning English - learning German - learning languages in Summerholidays
What do the kids need? Only time daily from 9 to 16:30! The camps are completely in English or in German. Previous knowledge of the language is however not required.
After our daily excursions in the morning, we concentrate in the afternoon through different age appropriate activities and games on the children’s language development. Everyday along with our different themes, we use playful ways to bring the children into a natural way of speaking. The children recieve multiple opportunities to use their natural impulse to communicate in a foreign language. Through these opportunities the active language competence is strengthened and developed.