

Abrakadabra Spielsprachschule Berlin GmbH
Wexstraße 33
10715 Berlin

+(49) 040 / 9999 69 070
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Lo­cal Di­strict Court: 
Char­lot­ten­burg HR­B129329B

Tax Num­ber:

Ma­na­ging Di­rec­tors:
Dr. Tho­mas Kluk
Dr. Mar­tin Schrö­der


Con­tents of this web pa­ge:
The con­tents of this web pa­ge we­re drawn up wi­th grea­test pos­si­ble ca­re. Ne­ver­the­l­ess, the pro­vi­der does not vouch for the cor­rect­ness, the com­ple­ten­ess and the up-to-da­te in­for­ma­ti­on of the con­tents pro­vi­ded. The use of the con­tents oc­curs at one's own risk.

Ex­ter­nal links:
The web pa­ge con­tains links to web pa­ges of third par­ties. The­se web pa­ges are sub­ject to the lia­bi­li­ty of the pro­vi­der con­cer­ned. At the first link-up wi­th the ex­ter­nal links the pro­vi­der che­cked the for­eign con­tents to see if any breach of law has oc­cu­red. At this point of ti­me no bre­aches of law we­re evi­dent. The pro­vi­der has no in­flu­ence at all on the pre­sent or fu­ture ar­ran­ge­ment and con­tents of the lin­king pa­ges. Set­ting up ex­ter­nal links in no way me­ans that the pro­vi­der has ad­op­ted the con­tents. The pro­vi­der can­not main­tain a con­ti­n­uous check of the ex­ter­nal links wi­thout con­cre­te evi­dence of any breach of law. Should such bre­aches of law be­co­me known, such ex­ter­nal links will im­me­dia­te­ly be de­le­ted.